About Hostel

(Separate Hostel for Boys and Girls)

About Hostel

The boarding houses provide a comfortable home away from home. Here the student can unwind or study or chat about latest trends. The emphasis is here on collective enjoyment. It has all the facilities that help the children to live and grow in an environment that they can identify as their home.

It also recognizes the uniqueness of each individual and enables its members to synergize in a manner that enriches residential community life. The Hostel is designed to provide every facility for study, leisure and enjoyment, which can add so much to the school days and later-life.

There are air-conditioned rooms in separate wings for boys & girls. Each room is shared by 4 students depending on size of the room and the class of students. A High Definition TV is provided for both boys and girls separately.

There are Computer labs equipped with high speed internet connection with latest configuration, printers and scanners.

Each wing of the hostel has resident staff that looks after the welfare of the students and makes sure that everything runs smoothly.

With regard to security, it is world class, with fire sprinklers/fire alarms, etc. at regular intervals. Students have access to a book shop, a tailor shop and canteen.

A dedicated and trained team of cooks, supporting staff and Assistant Wardens make sure that hygienic food with variety is provided to all at proper timings. We provide vegetarian items as per menu decided by Hostel committee consisting of Hostel superintendent, Hostel Wardens and student’s representatives from both girls and boys.

The school clinic functions 24/7 providing first-aid and immediate medical attention. It also provides regular medical facilities to its staff and students and records are maintained. In case a child needs special medical attention and treatment, the parents are informed and child is handed over after seeking permission from the authorities. In case of emergency, the school transports the child to the hospital under the supervision of School Doctor/Nurse.

Admission Procedure

Parents seeking hostel accommodation in the school are required to submit a written application to the Principal if the principal grants admission the parents must deposit the hostel fee with the hotel accounts clerk. After obtaining the hostel fee receipt parents must report to the hostel superintendent for the completion of hostel admission formalities. They are to submit the requisite details indicated in the succeeding paragraph. After all the formalities have been completed the hostel warden is informed accordingly and the child is allotted a room etc. A personal file of each child is maintained by the Hostel Superintendent /Warden.

Before a student joins the Hostel the following documentation formalities must be completed on forms supplied by the hostel superintendent:-

Certificate from the local guardian permitting the child to stay with him/her during sickness

The Performa duly completed must be handed over to the Hostel Superintendent and placed in the personal file of the student.

A certificate certifying that no cash /costly belongings are in the student s possession.

A list of articles of clothing and other items to be deposited with the student, a copy of which is to be handed over to the Superintendent/Warden.

A Health Certificate regarding medical history etc. must be duly checked and signed by the school infirmary in-charge, parents and the hostel warden concerned.

Indemnifying the school against any damage, sickness accident or death caused in the normal fractioning of usual activates.

An authority letter from the parent indicating two names and addresses (with 2 photographs, ID proof, address proof, telephone numbers and e-mail ID) who would act as the local guardian. Kindly note that only those persons will be allowed to become local guardians who are employed and living in family environment.

In case at any point of time if it is observed that Local Guardians are non-cooperative/inactive; the admission of the boarders will be cancelled and no refund of fee will be given.

Rules and Regulations

  • Hostellers will follow the daily routine of the hostel and school, unless exempted on medical grounds or recommended by the Hostel Warden.
  • No student will be allowed to enter the hostel during school hours.
  • Hostellers will not be allowed to keep more than Rs.250/- in cash or any valuables in their possession. No hostel staff to be held liable for the loss of money possessed without permission.
  • Hostellers will not be allowed to keep/take medicines/tonics without the knowledge of the Hostel Warden / Medical Officer.
  • Electrical Gadgets like heaters, kettles, irons or any other such appliances will not be allowed in the hostel or else it would be confiscated permanently and a fine of Rs.500/- to be imposed.
  • Cupboards will be arranged neatly. Surprise checks can be made by the Hostel Warden. Any extra item, other than those specified in the hostel kit, will be confiscated.
  • Results of school tests and examinations will be sent to the parents through the Hostel Wardens within 10 days after every exam.
  • Any hosteller falling sick will report to the hostel clinic. Emergency cases will be reported immediately to the School Clinic, escorted by the Hostel Warden.
  • Hostel Attendance – Morning/Afternoon/Night.
  • Leave Rules: 2nd Saturday of the month for the outing Local guardian's place. In case it is a working Saturday, then Sunday. Students are allowed to visit their Local Guardians through the system of Gate Pass issued to them by the Hostel Warden. AUTHORITY LETTERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. LOCAL GUARDIANS OR PARENTS MUST COLLECT THEIR WARDS PERSONALLY.
  • Entry after monthly outings will be before 6.00 pm on Sunday . No student will be allowed to enter the hostel after 6.00 pm under any circumstances, even while returning from term breaks. If the train and flight timings are after 6.00 pm, they will go to their Local Guardian's place, who will then drop them to the school the next day, before the school begins.
  • a) All students must report on the scheduled date after vacation/weekend outing, failing which they will be fined Rs1000/- per day, or their admission will be cancelled. If, however, due to an emergency, a student is not in a position to return to school on the scheduled date, the same must be informed in writing well in advance , to the Principal/Academic Coordinator/Hostel Warden.

    b) Any application for attending functions or any other events during the school term, will not be entertained, unless it pertains to the parents or siblings. Written permission for the same must be obtained well in advance from the Principal.

    c) In case of medical issue; a doctor prescribed certificate will be required to seek prior permission, and while returning student must submit Fitness Certificate/Covid negative report.

  • Parents’ Visiting Hours:





    10.00 am - 12.00 pm

    4.00 pm - 6.00 pm.

  • a) Visitors and Parents are not allowed to visit the Hostel Rooms . They will meet their wards at the Reception area of the school in presence of hostel warden.

    b) Only those will be allowed to become the Local Guardians who have their own residences and live in a family environment. No student will be allowed to become a Local Guardian to a hostel student of DPS Bareilly.

    b) Parents are required to leave a telephone number and address with the Warden, for immediate contact, in case of any emergency.

  • Compulsory Study Hours: 9.00 pm to 11.00 pm in the respective rooms . On examination days, the study timings may be extended for self- study, with the prior permission of the respective Warden. However, all lights in the rooms must be switched off at 11.30 pm. All students must maintain silence during these hours.
  • The hostellers will remain in their respective rooms after the night roll-call for self-study. The study hour supervision will be done on their respective floors by their respective floor Wardens/ Teachers.
  • Meal Timings: As per the School and Hostel schedule.
  • Birthday Celebrations to be held after dinner in the dining hall between 9.00 pm to 9.30 pm.
  • Physical Activity is compulsory for all hostellers, unless they are exempted by the school infirmary in-charge. Separate schedules are fixed in the evening. All students are required to wear Sports Uniform for sports & games.
  • Parents and Local Guardians can contact their wards on the provided mobile number between 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm on call days.
  • Students will be punished and imposed fine for scribbling/graffiti on the walls/furniture’s, using foul languages, indulging in unruly behavior in the corridors, or for any other form of vandalism.
  • Serious offences like cheating in examinations, stealing, bullying hostel fellow-students, physical violence or damaging school property will be dealt severely, and could lead to suspension / expulsion from the hostel, depending on the severity of the offence.
  • Use of Mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the school/Hostel. If it is found then will be confiscated and a fine of Rs.5000/- will be imposed.
  • Parents are requested to keep at least of Rs.10, 000/- in school account as the pocket money to be used by wards for their personal needs (As we will not allow any cash to be kept by the students) . Students will be allowed to withdraw whenever they need.
  • No student will be allowed to leave the Hostel during the session . If a student wants to become a day scholar from hosteller, then he has to submit the application 2 months prior, and he will be given TC for the rest of the session from the school.
  • If a parent withdraws his/her ward from the Hostel then the fee of the existing quarter and of preceding quarter have to be paid, which would be non-refundable.
  • Without any prior information of one or two days, Parents/Guardians will not be allowed to meet his/her ward.
  • Damage charges any, of Hostel property, whatsoever caused by any student, will be beared by all the students sharing that particular room/caught at the time of offence.
  • Only one outing is permitted per month (2nd Saturday or last Saturday/Sunday of the month).
  • Parents are requested not to force the warden to talk to the ward except on call day of the ward.

(Note: Other than scheduled meeting time, parents/local guardians must obtain prior permission by sending an e-mail from any one of the following at least a day in advance.)





Boys Hostel In-charge



9:00 am – 8:00 pm

Girls Hostel In-charge



9:00 am – 8:00 pm

Front Desk Officer



9:00 am – 4:00 pm




9:00 am – 4:00 pm